Welcome to Smoke Signal

Thanks for visiting. I’m Vinay in case you don’t already know me.

What’s the 411?

Smoke Signal will be random by design. I’m not an expert on anything in particular but I try to learn new things every day and I enjoy sharing insights with my friends. When something interests me I tend to do way more than scratch the surface.

I’m always surprised how much I can learn about a subject by spending just a couple of hours actively listening or reading. I don’t have data to back this up - but if the average person spends 5 minutes reading headlines on a subject and you spend 5 hours triangulating on the same you might be 60x more informed than the mean. Intuitively this sounds right to me and it’s consistent with my lived experience.

Each week I will share a few things that I find compelling such as; books and articles I am reading; cool products; current events; economics; Bitcoin; startup ideas; and more.

If anything you read here inspires you in some way please let me know so I can try to add more of it over time. And of course please share this letter with others if you think they might like it.

NB: I only recommend books, podcasts, music and products that I have read / listened to /used myself.


Talk to me, I’m here to listen.

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Smoke Signal is my deliberate practice and public commitment to deliver high “signal” across a diversity of topics to my friends. I hope you enjoy my weekly letter.